Guidelines and specifications for abstract submission
Participant must follow these guidelines:
- The abstract should be written in English, typed in Times New Roman with title (font size 14) and the remaining text (font size 12). Use standard abbreviations and place a special or unusual abbreviation in parenthesis after the full word appears. Use generic names of drugs. Write numbers as numerals rather than words. Sample copy of abstract
- Submit an abstract ONLY through Submission Online.
- Please limit the length of your title to 15 words: Title should be brief, clearly indicating the nature of the presentation.
- The name of the presenting author should be underlined and all the authors name should be prefixed with initials. Presenter’s organization should be included.
- The complete postal address of the authors along with the email address of the corresponding authors should be provided.
- The abstract should not exceed 250 words in a single paragraph without references.
- Tables, charts, photographs and any other information are not acceptable as part of the abstract.
- The presenting author will be required to register before submitting.
- File to be uploaded Abstract (First name_abstract.doc), CV (First name_CV.pdf), Recommendation letter (First name_Rec.pdf)
Researchers opting for oral presentation should send their CV along with the abstract. The selection will be based purely on the quality of the abstract.
Note: Abstracts without registration and payment will NOT be included in the abstract book.