Young investigator award (YIA)
Abstracts submitted for oral presentation will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and selected authors will be invited to present their work at the “Young investigator Award” session at the conference. The presentations will be evaluated by the Evaluation Committee and winners will receive a citation/medal during the Valedictory function. Abstracts not selected for oral or YIA award session presentation will be considered for poster presentation.
At the time of abstract submission for YIA, the applicant needs to submit following documents: Brief CV of the applicant and recommendation letter from guide. Age limit for YIA <35 years as on 06th November 2024.
Best Thesis award
Thesis submitted after 1st January 2023 will be considered for this category.
Abstracts submitted for this category will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and selected applicants will present their thesis work during the “Best Thesis award” session of the conference. An Evaluation Committee will assess these presentations for the Best Thesis Awards and ward recipient will receive a citation/medal, at the Valedictory function.
At the time of abstract submission for Best Thesis Award, the applicant needs to submit following documents: Brief CV of the applicant and recommendation/endorsement letter from guide that the work described in the abstract is part of the thesis of the applicant.
SFRR Best Poster Award
Poster presentations will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee and winners will receive a citation/medal during the valedictory function.
Travel Support
A few travel awards are available for Indian students who do not have fund from their fellowship/host Institute. At the time of abstract submission, applicant needs upload a letter from their Guide/Mentor or Department/Institute in support of their application to seek Travel award. Award will be selected based on the merit of abstract.
- Incomplete and Late Applications would not be considered.
- Number/category of awards would be decided by a Committee.
- The decision of Award(s) by Award Committee(s) will be final and binding to the applicants.
Selected Abstracts will be published in “FREE RADICAL RESEARCH” journal as FULL LENGTH ARTICLES